Finding purpose in your worst nightmare, the power of darkness & being led by curiosity (Tom Morgan)

In this fast-paced and deep conversation Tom Morgan, prolific writer and founder of The Leading Edge, shares his insights around spiritual awakenings, how going through his worst nightmare changed his life’s path and what inspired and motivates him in his work with high-net worth individuals and leaders today at The Leading Edge. The conversation with Evolute co-founders Christopher Kabakis and Dr. Dmitrij Achelrod touches on “the most offensively taboo idea in Western Civilisation” as well as power of consciousness altering modalities such as darkness retreats for personal growth and transformation., and much more…. 
A wide-ranging, personal, and entertaining conversation not to be missed. Share your thoughts and let’s start a conversation on these topics today.

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The Convo at a Glance

The co-founders of Evolute and their guest, Tom Morgan, discussed the concept of ‘curiosity’, an intelligent force that guides our attention, and its potential role in personal and societal transformation. They also explored the importance of balance between left and right hemispheric approaches, the potential of darkness meditation and incubation practices, and the need for individual responsibility in creating positive change. The conversation concluded with a discussion on the potential of an apocalyptic event and the importance of collaboration and sharing of innovative ideas and practices. 

More details on the different conversation chapters:

Discussing Curiosity and Brain Hemispheres (from 0:00)

Christopher and Dmitrij, the co-founders of Evolute, welcomed Tom Morgan, a prominent figure in finance and author, to discuss his views on the most offensively taboo idea in Western civilization. Tom proposed the idea of an intelligent, benign force that guides our attention, which he referred to as ‘curiosity’ or ‘syntropy’. He suggested that this force is experienced through the heart center and is a powerful idea that is often overlooked due to the hyper-rational left-hemisphere dominance. The discussion also touched on the concept of the right and left hemispheres of the brain, and how they contribute to our decision-making processes.

Tom’s Spiritual Awakening and Mental Health Crisis (from 05:33)

Tom shared his personal journey of a spiritual awakening that led to a mental health crisis and his subsequent return to the world with a new perspective. He discussed his altered state of consciousness, his ability to perceive energy, and his sense of emotional states in others. Dmitrij expressed his curiosity about how Tom coped with this shift in perspective, and Tom shared his insights based on his own anecdotal reflections. Tom also discussed the concept of shamanic illness as a potential framework for understanding his experience, emphasizing that his journey was highly unusual and extreme. Christopher questioned the necessity of a crisis for spiritual awakening, to which Tom responded that his experience was highly unusual and he could not confidently speak to alternative pathways.

Curiosity, Intuition, and Subtlety in Self-Discovery (from 17:05)

Christopher emphasized the importance of encouraging people to follow their curiosity and listen to the subtle calling of their intuition. Tom shared his ongoing 8-part series on synthesizing various practices to connect with the right hemisphere of the brain and shared his realization about the significance of subtlety in this process. Dmitrij highlighted the paradox of seeking deeper truth while potentially only reinforcing existing patterns and suggested the need to reduce activity to create more emptiness for new insights to emerge. The discussion also touched on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the popularity of a related book.

Curiosity, Meditation, and Psychedelics Discussion (from 22:51)

Tom introduced neuroscientist and curiosity expert Anne-Laure Le Cunff as an expert on these topics. Le Cunff’s research suggests that running exploratory experiments and facilitating curiosity can lead to increased happiness. Tom shared his own experience with meditation and the potential risks associated with it. Christopher agreed, emphasizing that not every modality is suitable for everyone and that the context and preparation are crucial for a safe and beneficial experience. He also mentioned the possibility of facilitating psychedelic-assisted retreats in a safe and professional environment which makes them potentially less intense or extreme and more subtle. 

Exploring incubation in Western spirituality (from 27:08)

Tom expressed his curiosity about the concept of incubation in Western spirituality, sparked by his reading of Peter Kingsley’s work. Tom sought the Evolute team’s perspective on incubation, highlighting the role of darkness retreats in ancient spiritual practices. Dmitrij shared his recent personal experience with darkness incubation, discussing the significance and his reasons for undertaking it. He emphasised the archetypal weight of darkness and its role as both a source of fear and a gateway to the origin of all things. 

Darkness Meditation and Incubation Experiences (from 30:40)

Dmitrij and Christopher discussed their experiences with darkness meditation, a practice they found intense and insightful. They shared their thoughts on how the absence of external stimuli allowed them to delve into their inner world, with Christopher highlighting the role of self-regulation in managing the intensity of these experiences. Tom then introduced the concept of incubation, explaining how it was a deliberate inner journey for the Swedish mystic Emanuel Swedenborg. The group agreed on the transformative potential of these practices, emphasizing the importance of approaching them with a spirit of openness and humility.

Curiosity, Self-Exploration, and Economics (from 39:52)

Christopher emphasized the importance of curiosity and openness in shaping one’s ideas and identity. Dmitrij raised questions about how a shift towards inner wisdom and self-exploration could impact society, especially when influenced by powerful individuals. Tom expressed his preference for left-hemispheric individuals willing to work on themselves, believing that their personal growth could have a positive ripple effect. He also raised the question of whether the universe was intelligent enough to restructure the economy, and whether self-determination was a viable option for everyone, particularly those in subsistence or essential worker roles.

Tom’s work transition to the Leading Edge (from 44:00)

Tom shared his experience that his job at Sapient was probably the best he ever had. Yet, he decided to quit and to create Leading Edge, a container for people in transition phases, curating content and practices. He left his comfortable position to pursue this venture and was surprised by its success. The container, which currently has 80 members, is a community of curious individuals that Tom fills with reliable and diverse content and practitioners. He believes in the unique path of each individual, and his series of exercises is meant to help individuals find their own point of differentiation integration. Although he charges for his container, he sees its value as a proof that people can value containers.

Balancing Left and Right Hemispheric Approaches (from 47:21)

Christopher and Tom discussed the importance of engaging with the leading edge of perception, rather than retreating to established maps and practices. They emphasized the need for a balance between left and right hemispheric approaches, with Tom highlighting the value of practices that enhance intuition and perception. They also discussed the potential for these practices to lead to personal and professional growth, as well as the potential for communities of like-minded individuals to share resources and support each other. The conversation concluded with Christopher stressing the importance of individual responsibility in creating positive change.

Discussing Apocalyptic Events and Transformation (from 56:44)

Christopher and Tom discussed the potential of an apocalyptic event and its implications for society. Tom emphasized the importance of individual consciousness and the need for a systemic reconfiguration of the modern economy to avert such an event. Christopher agreed and highlighted the role of internal processes in driving change. They also discussed the importance of collaboration and the sharing of innovative ideas and practices. Tom encouraged anyone with transformative ideas to get in touch with him, and Christopher agreed to share Tom’s contact information in the resources section of their website.
christopher kabakis cofounder evolute institute

Christopher Kabakis,

Evolute Co-Founder,
Head of the Coaching Team


We invite you to schedule a call with us. Together, we can delve into any questions or concerns you might have. We can explore whether 1:1 coaching with the Evolute Institute coaching team or other Evolute program offerings are right for you at this time, which modality might be the best fit, and ensure you feel confident about and ready to embrace our transformative retreat program(s) and/or coaching experience.



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