EVOLute private: your customized PSYCHEDELIC RETREAT JOURNEY
We create a private retreat experience for you based on your unique needs and desires
With Evolute Private we respond to a growing need by clients to curate their own unique psychedelic retreat experience in a safe and lawful setting while relying on trusted Evolute professionals and our experienced guides.
The Evolute Institute puts together a small team to cater to your personal preferences and needs and guarantees a private, safe and exclusive psychedelic retreat experience with legal psilocybin-containing truffles in a beautiful retreat location the Netherlands.
Depending on your particular needs, the retreat usually takes place over 3 days on-site to allow some time for landing and for integration on-site, while adding program elements important to you. We add a virtual preparation and integration phase and 1:1s with each participant.
Evolute Private is also ideal for couples, founder teams, or a group of 2-3 close friends.
Reach out to discuss your ideas with our Evolute team and we’ll put together a life-changing program journey for you that you will never forget.
Unlock your creative powers, connect with your innermost purpose, re-orient & find a new path, and catalyze your personal and professional growth with a customised private Evolute retreat journey.
What does better being mean to your life?
Meet The Faciliatation Team
"We support you in unfolding your potential towards a life of vitality, connectedness, balance, creativity, and overall flourishing."
OUR MAIN RETREAT CENTer in the Netherlands
Ground YOURSELF IN AN exceptional PRIVATE RETREAT CENTER surrounded by nature
Christopher Kabakis,
If our current vacancies are not a fit for you but you feel the calling to contribute to our mission, please contact us directly. We always welcome motivated contributors!
Personal level
- Self-knowledge: Explore your own depths like you never did before to understand who you truly are.
- Potential: See what you are capable of and start tapping into your full potential.
- Purpose: Connect with that deep yearning inside of you to find your unique path in life.
- Growth: Face your blind spots and blockages (e.g. fear, shame, anger...) to relieve unnecessary limits and constraints.
- Connection: Experience how a deepened connection to yourself, to other people and to your environment changes the way you live and lead.
professional level
- Clarity: Learn how to remain centered, playful and clear in environments of ambiguity and uncertainty.
- Resilience: Lead from your core and become less affected by the stresses and pressures of everyday life.
- Mindsets: Experience what leadership mindset you are usually operating from and how you can access higher-level mindsets of systems thinking and emotional awareness.
- Vision: Build a more authentic and meaningful vision for yourself as an individual and as a leader.
- Impact: Learn how to lead from a position of competence and intuition: calmly, compassionately and effectively.