Discover how OUR RETREAT PROGRAMS changed people's lives

Retreat participants who gained clarity on what's truly important in life

Clarity on What’s Truly Important in Life

Clarity on What’s Truly Important in Life
involves an embodied understanding and recognition of one's core values, priorities, and authentic self. It encompasses a shift towards greater self-awareness, acceptance, and the ability to discern what truly matters in life.

64% of our retreat participants reported an increase in clarity on whats truly important in life.

Attendees who rekindled a feeling of interconnection

Rekindled feeling of inter-connection

A rekindled sense of inter-connection
involves a profound reawakening of one's connection to oneself, loved ones, humanity, all life, and occasionally, the transcendent. This renewed feeling of connection brings inner peace, acceptance, and deeper relationships with others. The experiences described reflect a journey of growth, leading to a more harmonious and integrated way of living.

Amongst our retreat participants, the strongest effect found is a rekindled sense of inter-connection.

People who embraced uncertainty and ambiguity in new ways

Embracing and Relating to Uncertainty and Ambiguity

Embracing and Relating to Uncertainty & Ambiguity is about developing the capacity to handle life's unpredictability with resilience and grace. It means finding ways to navigate through uncertain times with hope, trust, and adaptability.

68% of retreat participants reported an increase in their ability to embrace and relate to uncertainty and ambiguitiy in their life.

Participants who expanded their sense of empathy and compassion

Expanded Sense of Empathy & Compassion

Empathy & Compassion Expansion involves developing a deeper sense of understanding, compassion, and affection for our loved ones and ourselves. It may extend to all (human) beings. This process leads to a reconnection with one's heart, an acknowledgment of shared human burdens, and an increased commitment to love, purpose, and openness towards others that allows one to live a more fulfilling and compassionate life.

76% of our retreat participants report an expansion of empathy and compassion.

People who softened their inner critic

Softened the inner critic

Softening the inner critic involves a deliberate shift towards self-compassion through understanding and acceptance. It is the cultivation of a more supportive and nurturing inner dialogue.

68% report being less disapproving and judgmental about personal flaws and inadequacies. 76% of retreat participants report a recognition of their own failings as part of the human condition.

Retreat participants who learnt how to tap more into their own potential

Knowing How to Tap into One’s Full Potential

Knowing how to tap into one’s full potential involves a profound transformation in an individual's way of being, leading to a more centered, grateful, and purposeful life. This transformation encompasses several key aspects, each contributing to a holistic sense of fulfillment and empowerment.

72% of participants reported a significant improvement in knowing how to apply and use one's entire potential in life.

Attendees who renewed their sense of purpose and collective responsibility

Renewed Recognition of Our Purpose and (Collective) Responsibility to Work for the Common Good

A Renewed Recognition of Our Purpose and (Collective) Responsibility to Work for the Common Good
brings together multiple facets. It involves the rediscovery/deepening of  one's sense of purpose and the importance of contributing to the well-being of society and life as a whole.

Along with a rekindled sense of interconnection, our retreat participants report a renewed recognition of our purpose and (collective) responsibility to work for the common good to be the most significant implications of their journey.

Read the Psychedelic Journey Reports of our Participants

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