Evolute Institute

Leaders Are Facing Challenges on Three Levels: Global, Leadership-Related, and Individual

World & Organizations

The world Is tumbling towards brittleness and separation

Our world is getting increasingly brittle and complex. Exponential technological development creates cracks in the system. Organizations struggle to cope with the challenges of the exponential age.

We CAN create a world that serves us all

By recognizing that we are all part of the web of life, we can build systems based on trust and respectful togetherness. Cultivating mindsets of systemic thinking and collaborative problem-solving can be our way into a prosperous future.


Leaders feel overwhelmed and powerless

Expectations on leaders are massive. The ever increasing influx of information creates noise in the signal. Internally, leaders become stressed and insecure. Externally, they start to micro-manage and eventually fail to adapt.


Cut through the noise to find your center again. Re-calibrate to what is important so that you can lead from a position of competence and intuition: calmly, compassionately and effectively.  


Individuals yearn for growth and a deeper sense of meaning

An increasing proportion of individuals yearns for more clarity about themselves. They ask questions about their purpose, potential and direction in life. Oftentimes, they feel unable to grow and stunted in their development.   

Understand who you are and who you could be

Explore what it means to truly connect to your innermost core. Learn to relate to yourself and to others authentically and compassionately. Gain clarity about your purpose and what direction to take in life. See your blind spots. 

Why Leaders Struggle To Overcome Those Challenges

leaders need a new stimulus for growth - Altered states of consciousness can do exactly that
Cognitive insight is not enough

Merely understanding is not sufficient to induce change in a desired direction. Wanting to become a more authentic and compassionate leader is necessary, but not sufficient for transformation.

We need emotions and awareness of them to change

We require new emotional reference experiences to move from cognitive insight to a new "felt sense". Only then can we fully experience a new way of being and of relating to others.

we don't know what we don't know

We usually cannot see our own blind spots, our biases. We are not aware how our mind organizes our experience: our way of perceiving, being, acting in the world.

We need a radical shift in perspectives

We need methods that allow us to temporarily step out of our habitual patterns of seeing ourselves and the world. This radical shift in perspectives can help us see to what we are usually blind.

we don't know how to get unstuck

In quiet moments we feel our longing for growth but it is unclear to us how to tap into our inner wisdom and effectuate that change, how to get unstuck, how to decamp on the path of transformation.

We need to connect to our deepest source of Power

We need people who assist us connecting with ourselves and hold the space where our deep longings can unfold. Having trusted experts that guide us in a compassionate and professional manner is key.

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“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”

– Lao-Tzu

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